Volume 5, 2021

Table of contents

List of Reviewers

Radiation Oncology


Mimoza Ristova, Manjit Dosanjh, Herwig Schopper

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.01

Purpose. A recent initiative was launched for establishing the South-East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST), a pan European research infrastructure (RI) which will provide a cutting-edge technology for (a) radiotherapy treatment with accelerated protons and ions and (b) multidisciplinary fundamental research involving accelerated ion beams. To justify the initiative for building the SEEIIST facility for cancer treatment, a study was conducted to estimate the time progress of the cancer incidence and mortality due to cancer in the countries of the SEE region. Methods and materials. The demography and the economic development of the SEE region were studied in relation to their emigration rate (brain drain). Time development of the incidence and mortality were studied for the SEE countries from the data available at Globocan of the IARC@WHO. Cancer epidemiology data were collected and studied by using the countries’ cancer datasheets from the World Health Organization (WHO). The top ten cancers were presented for the SEE countries and for the region as a whole. Results. From the available data it is evident that the incidence and the mortality, both grow with time in the SEE region, unlike in the developed European countries chosen for reference, where the mortality declines with time. The occurrence of breaking points in curves mortality vs. time is evident for all the analyzed SEE countries. Many of these points coincide with changes in the societal aspects (security, politics and/or economy). Conclusion. The emerging research infrastructure SEEIIST will mitigate the brain drain from SEE, and contribute in overcoming the historical friction in the turbulent Balkan region, offering research opportunities in many fields related to accelerated ions, foster, research, innovation and knowledge transfer, facilitate radiational therapy with particles to the cancer patients of the SEE region, reducing the growing cancer mortality, thereby. SEEIIST will be developed as a strong commitment of the SEE countries’ governments and common effort in science diplomacy of the international community. The central research facility will be based in one of the ten SEE countries. In parallel with developing the principal RI, several SEEIIST HUBs and NETWORKs will be developed for different SEE countries in support to the SEEIIST sustainability. To provide sustainability of the SEEIIST RI, a GREEN energy HUB (Green power plant for powering SEEIIST) will be set. Also, an IT HUB (providing big data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence for SEEIIST), Imaging HUB (developing novel imaging solutions for ion therapy for SEEIIST), etc. Furthermore, several combined SEE and western European networks will be established, such as the Training network, Radiobiology Network, Network of Oncologists, Network of Veterinary scientists, with their central coordination offices located in different SEE countries, with the objective to start joint research related primarily to the cancer treatment but also to other research disciplines.
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Mimoza Ristova, Manjit Dosanjh, Leandar Litov, Herwig Schopper, "Cancer in the countries of the see (Balkans) region and the future particle therapy center – SEEIIST", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 1–8, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.01
Radiation Measurements


Didier Bouvet, Jacopo Bronuzzi, Blerina Gkotse, Georgi Gorine, Alessandro Mapell, Isidre Mateu, Viktoria Meskova, Giuseppe Pezzullo, Federico Ravotti, Jean-Michel Sallese, Ourania Sidiropoulou

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.02

In High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments built at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) it is a common practice to expose electronic components and systems to particle beams, in order to assess their level of radiation tolerance and reliability when operating in a radiation environment. One of the facilities used for such tests is the CERN Proton Irradiation Facility (IRRAD), where several hundreds of samples are irradiated yearly with a 24 GeV/c proton beam extracted from the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) accelerator. In order to properly control the irradiation beam and guarantee reliable results during the tests, Beam Profile Monitor (BPM) devices are used. The current BPMs are fabricated as standard flexible PCBs featuring a matrix of metallic sensing pads. When exposed to the particle beam, secondary electrons are emitted from each pad, thus generating a charge proportional to the particle flux crossing the pads. The charge is measured individually for each pad using a dedicated readout system, and so the shape, the position and the intensity of the beam-spot are obtained. Beam profile determination of high intensity beams implies the usage of non-invasive and radiation tolerant (~1018 p/cm2/year) devices. This study proposes a new fabrication method using standard microfabrication techniques in order to improve the radiation tolerance of the BPMs while greatly reducing the device thickness, thus making them also appropriate to be used for the monitoring of lower energy particle beams.
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Didier Bouvet, Jacopo Bronuzzi, Blerina Gkotse, Georgi Gorine, Alessandro Mapell, Isidre Mateu, Viktoria Meskova, Giuseppe Pezzullo, Federico Ravotti, Jean-Michel Sallese, Ourania Sidiropoulou, "Low-mass radiation-hard beam profile monitors for high energy protons using microfabricated metalthin-films , RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 9-14, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.02
Radiation Effects


Tsveta Angelova, Christo Angelov, Nikolai Tyutyundzhiev, Svetla Gateva, Gabriele Jovtchev

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.03

Rila Mountain is the highest mountain on the Balkan Peninsula and is characterized with specific microclimate. It has been revealed that with the increase of the altitude, the differences in environmental conditions change at a great extent. In mountain conditions plants have to cope with combined environmental factors such as altitude, temperature, prolonged UV irradiation, and etc. The aim of this study is to assess whether pigment content in wild growing plant species is altitudes dependent. Five wild species, characteristic of the ecosystems in Rila Mountain: Fragaria vesca L. (Rosaceae), Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. (Boraginaceae), Achillea millefolium L. (Asteraceae), Epilobium angustifolium L. (Onagraceae) and Dactylis glomerata L. (Poaceae) were used as plant material. Plants were collected from three different altitudes (Sofia-595 m; Rila Mountain-1500 m a.s.l. and 1782 m a.s.l.) in July-August in growing season of 2020. Sofia was chosen as control altitude. Pigment content was applied as endpoint. Our data showed that the levels of total chlorophylls, chl. a, chl. b and total carotenoids for plants growing at 1500 m a.s.l. were lower or similar to those measured at Sofia altitude for F. vesca, M. sylvatica, A. millefolium, E. angustifolium and D. glomerata L. There is no change in chlorophyll a/b ratio detected in plants at 1500 m a.s.l. altitude and 1782 m a.s.l. in the five investigated species. Based on our results it could be reveal the adaptation mechanism and survival strategies of F. vesca, M. sylvatica, A. millefolium, E. angustifolium and D. glomerata under complex environmental stresses in both mountain altitudes. On the other hand no change in the chlorophyll a/b ratio could be an indication that altitudes have no permanent damage on the leaf photochemical system. It is known that chlorophyll content in plants is an indicator of their response to the habitat, weather, anthropogenic conditions. Because of the fact that in mountain conditions the effect of altitude is combined with other abiotic factors and that pigment content is very variable depending on many factors further studies using other plant species are needed for better understanding of the mechanisms of interaction between factors and plant response.
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Tsveta Angelova, Christo Angelov, Nikolai Tyutyundzhiev, Svetla Gateva, Gabriele Jovtchev, "Does altitude have an effect on pigment content of wild growing plants in rila mountain?", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 15-20, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.03
Radiation Protection


Behnam Khanbabaee, Annette Röttger, Rolf Behrens, Stefan Röttger, Sebastian Feige, Oliver Hupe, Hayo Zutz, Paula Toroi, Paul Leonard, Liset de la Fuente Rosales, Pete Burgess, Vincent Gressier, José–Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva, Rodolfo Cruz Suárez, Dirk Arnold

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.04

In this work, the results of a virtual workshop on gaps in radiation protection and related metrology, which was carried out as part of the EMPIR project 19NET03 supportBSS, are reported. The topics, considered most important in terms of radiation protection metrology, were presented and discussed in 8 main areas: 1. Activity standards, 2. Reference fields, 3. New operational quantities in radiation protection, 4. Measuring devices for radiation protection in medical or industrial applications of ionizing radiation, 5. Measuring devices for environmental monitoring, 6. Type testing, 7. Harmonized handling, transmission, storage and availability of measurement data, 8. Education and training needs. The corresponding research needs and metrological challenges related to the metrology services and the relevant stakeholders are presented.
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Behnam Khanbabaee, Annette Röttger, Rolf Behrens, Stefan Röttger, Sebastian Feige, Oliver Hupe, Hayo Zutz, Paula Toroi, Paul Leonard, Liset de la Fuente Rosales, Pete Burgess, Vincent Gressier, José–Luis Gutiérrez Villanueva, Rodolfo Cruz Suárez, Dirk Arnold, "Support for a european metrology network on reliable radiation protection: gaps in radiation protection and related metrology", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 21-27, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.04
Covid 19


Mitko Mitev

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.05

Introduction . Venous and arterial thromboembolism is associated with COVID-19, but there are few studies of lower limb ischemia as a later complication of infection. The study presents identified early and late complications caused by COVID-19, with the presence of multiple thromboses in the aorta and peripheral vessels. Materials and methods. A patient is an 80-year-old man hospitalized with COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). The study was conducted in 2021. MDCT Siemens Definition AS was used. A computed tomography angiography was made with Omnipaque, 100 ml. The data was processed with Syngo.via workstation and VB40B_NF02 software version. Results. After computed tomography angiography, changes were found in the lungs, central and peripheral vessels. Bilateral interstitial pneumonia was diagnosed. A parietal thrombus was identified in the aortic arch area and acute thrombosis on the left side of the common iliac artery and the right side of the superficial femoral artery as an acute later complication of the infection. The patient was sent for emergency surgery to remove the found blood clots in the lower limbs. Conclusion. The application of the correct diagnostic algorithm in this clinical case with the application of CT scan with contrast helped to quickly identify early complications and to avoid more severe and later changes both in the vessels and in other organs and systems.
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Mitko Mitev, "Multiple thromboses as late complications in a patient with pneumonia caused by covid-19 infection", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 28-31, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.05


Igor Smirnov, Ahmed Harb, Igor Balantsev, Maria Karavan

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.06

The possibilities of 90Y/90Sr separation from carbonate media are investigated as a green alternative method. Solvent extraction of yttrium and strontium from carbonate solution is studied using several extractants in different organic diluents. 8-hydroxyquinioline and 2,3-dihydroxynaphtalene possess a promising Y/Sr separation. Yttrium and strontium distribution ratios D and separation factors SF are evaluated. pH interval 13 - 13.5 is regarded as the optimum for separation. Yttrium is extracted much better in 2-nitrotoluene (DY=3.9), maximum separation is observed in 2-nitrotoluene SF = 195 at pH 13.5.
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Igor Smirnov, Ahmed Harb, Igor Balantsev, Maria Karavan, "Yttrium-90 separation in carbonate media by solvent extraction ", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 32-36, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.06
Radiation Physics


Ioana Lalau, Mihail-Razvan Ioan

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.07

In the last period the alpha-induced luminescence of air was proposed to be utilized for remote detection of alpha emitting from radioactive waste sources or for rapid radon detection. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to discriminate between the radioluminescence signal and Cherenkov photons due to the simultaneous presence of alpha and beta sources in the same container. Alpha particles induce radioluminescence when absorbed in air. The photons are emitted in the near ultraviolet region by nitrogen molecules excited by secondary electrons. The accurate knowledge of the radioluminescence yield is of the utmost importance for novel radiation detection applications utilizing this effect. On the other hand, the energetic electrons from the beta spectra can produce Cherenkov radiation in air in the same wavelengths as the photons emitted by deexcitation of nitrogen molecules. When alpha and beta emitting radionuclides are simultaneously present in sample, the detector must be able to discriminate between these contributions. We determine the number of photons produced per unit area (photon flux) by deexcitation of nitrogen molecules and also the number of photons in the same wavelength range produced by beta particles when passing through air.
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Ioana Lalau, Mihail-Razvan Ioan, "Simulation of radioluminescence induced by alpha particles in the air by the monte carlo method", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 37-41, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.07


V.V. Timoshenko, A.A. Brechalov, Y.E. Ermolenko, I.V. Smirnov

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.08

The study of the interphase distribution of a large number of target and impurity components of highly radioactive wastes is a necessary and very laborious stage in the creation of new extraction systems. With the quantitative extraction of cesium-137 and strontium-90 from spent nuclear fuel for the purposes of further industrial and commercial use, difficulties arise associated with competing complexation and the concomitant extraction of impurities of stable elements. We have developed an express method for determining the distribution ratios of metals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). A feature of the proposed method is the joint extraction of trace amounts of all studied metals, followed by direct ICP-MS analysis of equilibrium aqueous and organic phases.
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V.V. Timoshenko, A.A. Brechalov, Y.E. Ermolenko, I.V. Smirnov, "Fast method for studying the extraction of the main hlw components with crown ethers in new fluorine-containing diluents", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 42-47, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.08


Igor V. Smirnov, Maria D. Karavan, Albert Z. Yumaguen

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.09

Several extraction systems based on functionalized calixarenes in mixed fluorinated diluents were examined. Technological flowsheets for radioactive waste processing with these extraction systems were developed and tested. It is shown that under the selected conditions one can achieve decontamination factors from cesium isotopes and alpha-emitters, sufficient for converting high-level waste of the “Mayak” Production Association into the low-level category with the subsequent possibility of their disposal at near-surface sites.
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Vesna Benković, Nikola Borojević, Nada Oršolić, Gordana Brozović, Anica Horvat Knežević, Mirta Milić

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.10

Patient immobilization by general volatile anesthesia (VA) during medical radiology treatment is sometimes necessary and annual trends are increasing. Ionizing radiation (IR) exposure is known to cause some level of DNA damage since IR is a well-known genotoxic and cytotoxic agent, although the doses used are kept to a minimum, with good localization in order to protect as much healthy tissue and organs as possible from exposure. Recently, a growing number of studies have demonstrated that volatile anesthetics can also cause DNA damage effects in patients, and in occupationally exposed personnel. Since there are no studies on the combined effects of IR and VA, we decided to use an animal model of Swiss albino mice to determine whether there are elevated levels of DNA damage after combined exposure by mimicking real conditions of exposure during radiology treatment. Healthy male mice (5 animals per group) were anaesthetized by inhaling 2.4% halothane for 2 hours and then were exposed to either 1 or 2 Gy of ionizing radiation (60Co source). Groups were examined immediately after exposure, and again after 2, 6 and 24 hours. Blood was taken from the tail, and liver after animal sacrifice. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and designed in accordance with the relevant Croatian guidelines (Animal Protection Act, Ordinance on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes). Duplicate samples were prepared for the alkaline comet assay, and DNA damage of a total of 200 comets per point was assessed with Comet Assay IV software. The results demonstrated that both halothane and IR caused elevated DNA damage levels, and when applied in combined treatment caused synergistic effect additional damaging effect that was not repaired even 24 hours after exposure. These data confirm concerns about the safety of combined VA and IR exposure, and indicate the need for further investigation on the safety and proper use of the type of anesthetic needed during radiotherapy.
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Vesna Benković, Nikola Borojević, Nada Oršolić, Gordana Brozović, Anica Horvat Knežević, Mirta Milić, "Combined exposure to halothane and 1 or 2 gy ionizing radiation causes a synergistic effect in dna damage in the blood and liver of swiss albino mice", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 53–56, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.10


S.O. Frankiv, A.V. Boyarintsev, S.I. Stepanov, E.A. Skuratova, N.M. Chervyakov

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.11

The article presents the results on the extraction and purification of uranium(VI) from impurities of surrogates of some fission products (Cr(III), Mn(IV), Cu(II), Sr(II), Cs, Sb(V), Mo(VI), Ba(II), La(III), Ce(IV), Sm(III), Eu(III), Re(V), Al(III), Y(III), Nd(III)) and Na from aqueous solutions of sodium carbonate and ammonium carbonate by solvent extraction using methyltrioctylammonium carbonate. The values of uranium purification factors were 103–106. Based on the carried out studies, a scheme of solvent extraction reprocessing of multicomponent carbonate solutions containing fission product surrogates was developed and optimized. This scheme showed the high efficiency of the solvent extraction technique for fractionating the fission products in the CARBEX process.
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S.O. Frankiv, A.V. Boyarintsev, S.I. Stepanov, E.A. Skuratova, N.M. Chervyakov, "Purification of uranium(vi) from impurities of fission product surrogates by solvent extraction in the carbex process ",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 57–61, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.11
Medical Imaging


Anatoly A. Adamchik, Valerii V. Tairov, Maria V. Adamchik, Natalya I. Bykova, Ekaterina S. Zaporozhskaya-Abramova, Viktoria A. Ivashenko, Kseniya D. Kirsh, Zhanna V. Solovyeva

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.12

The present study is a descriptive comparison of the obtained data for the assessment of the optical density zones of the apical focus of destruction, in chronic apical periodontitis, carried out by the method of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and histological examination of the obtained material after CBCT. The material of the study was extracted teeth with a diagnosis of chronic apical periodontitis with periapical tissues. The assessment of the zones of the apical focus of destruction was carried out in different surfaces of the CBCT. The analysis was carried out by evaluating the values in the center, maximum and minimum on the HU optical unit scale. Histological preparations were obtained after CBCT by removing 30 teeth for medical reasons with the preservation of adjacent tissues. The results of the study demonstrated a diagnostic model with minimal indicators and a statistically significant focal area at P=0.0008.
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Anatoly A. Adamchik, Valerii V. Tairov, Maria V. Adamchik, Natalya I. Bykova, Ekaterina S. Zaporozhskaya-Abramova, Viktoria A. Ivashenko, Kseniya D. Kirsh, Zhanna V. Solovyeva , "Application of computed tomography in the diagnosis of chronic apical periodontitis",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 62-67, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.12


N.M. Chervyakov, A.V. Boyarintsev, A.V. Andreev, S.I. Stepanov

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.13

Oxidative dissolution is the key stage of uranium oxide spent nuclear fuel (SNF) reprocessing technology in carbonate media. The ability to quickly and completely dissolve the main component of the SNF matrix - UO 2 in sodium or ammonium carbonate solutions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide at room temperature made it possible to substantiate carbonate media as an alternative to nitric acid media in the SNF reprocessing technology. Before the SNF oxidative dissolution stage, in the CARBEX (CARBonate EXtraction) process, voloxidation (volume oxidation) is carried out. As a result, UO2 completely turns into U3O8. In this work, the dissolution of U3O 8 in sodium carbonate solutions, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, and sodium percarbonate was studied. The optimal dissolution conditions were determined. With the help of mathematical experimental data processing, the dissolution rates and the apparent activation energy values were calculated.
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N.M. Chervyakov , A.V. Boyarintsev , A.V. Andreev, S.I. Stepanov, "Oxidative dissolution of triuranium octoxide in carbonate solutions",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 68-74, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.13
Food Safety and Health


D. I. Petrukhina, I. M. Medzhidov, V. A. Kharlamov, M. G. Pomyasova, O. V. Tkhorik, S. A. Gorbatov, V.I. Shishko, A. Yu. Shesterikov, V. N. Tikhonov, A. V. Tikhonov, I. I. Ivanov

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.14

The use of physical methods in agro-industrial production has recently become more widespread due to the desire to reduce the level of chemicals. The relevance of the work is also determined by the low level of use of plasma technologies in agricultural production. This work aims to study the effect of non-thermal plasma source discharges on barley of the Vladimir variety seed growth rates and the surface microbiota. During the work on the study of the effect of non-thermal plasma on the sowing qualities of spring barley, it was found that the plasma treatment, in general, does not have a negative or stimulating effect on the initial growth processes of barley seeds. Treatment of barley seeds leads to a decrease in the total microbial count of the surface microbiota. Thus, it has been experimentally established that the microwave plasmatron is suitable for processing seed material.
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  11. В.А. Харламов, И.В. Полякова, Д.И. Петрухина, “Биоцидное действие нетермальной аргоновой плазмы на микробиоту семян ячменя,” Техника и оборудование для села, т. 4, но. 286, cтр. 20–23, 2021. (V.A. Kharlamov, I.V. Polyakova, D.I. Petrukhin, “Biocidal effect of non-thermal argon plasma on the microbiota of barley seeds,” Mach. Equip. Rural Area, vol. 4, no. 286, pp. 20-23, 2021.)
  12. Д.И. Петрухина, И.В. Полякова, С.А. Горбатов, “Биоцидная эффективность нетермальной аргоновой плазмы атмосферного давления,” Техника и технология пищевых производств, т. 51, но. 1, стр. 86-97, 2021. (D. Petrukhina, I. Polyakova, S. Gorbatov, “Biocide effect of non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma,” Food Process. Techniq. Technol., vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 86–97, 2021.)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2074-9414-2021-1-86-97
D. I. Petrukhina, I. M. Medzhidov, V. A. Kharlamov, M. G. Pomyasova, O. V. Tkhorik, S. A. Gorbatov, V.I. Shishko, A. Yu. Shesterikov, V. N. Tikhonov, A. V. Tikhonov, I. I. Ivanov, "The effect of seed treatment with non-thermal plasma",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 75-77, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.14


S.O. Frankiv, A.V. Boyarintsev, S.I. Stepanov

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.15

The article discusses the results of the uranium(VI) re-extraction(stripping) from the methyltrioctilammonium organic phase loaded by uranium(VI) peroxo-carbonate species using ammonium carbonate and ammonium bicarbonate aqueous solutions or gaseous carbon dioxide. Conditions for 97–99% re-extraction of uranium(VI) to obtain crystalline ammonium uranyl carbonate with structure (NH4)4[UO 2(CO3)3] were determined.

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S.O. Frankiv, A.V. Boyarintsev, S.I. Stepanov, "Precipitative re-extraction of uranium(vi) from organic solutions of methyltrioctilammonium uranyl peroxo-carbonate complexes", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 78-83, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.15
Radiation Physics


R. Vernydub, O. Kyrylenko, O. Konoreva, O. Radkevych, D. Stratilat, V. Tartachnyk

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.16

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Medical Imaging


Yu.A. Stepanova, D.A. Kiseleva, N.O. Sultanova

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.17

he article discusses the use of shear wave elastography in assessment of age-related atrophy of muscle tissue in the lower third of face as a preoperative diagnostic option. The aim was to study the possibility of using sonoelastography in the study of changes in elasticity of muscle tissue of the lower third of the face in women as a result of age-related atrophic processes. The research involved 45 women divided into three equal groups by age (20-30, 30-40 and 40-60 years old). Elasticity of muscle tissue in the area of buccinator muscle was assessed using shear wave elastography. A statistically significant progressive decrease in the elasticity of muscle tissue in the lower third of face, associated with the age-related atrophy, was revealed. We have shown that using sonoelastography it is possible to display atrophic processes in the facial muscle tissue, which can be used in future in preoperative diagnosis and selection of the optimal correction method. It is a promising method for evaluating age-related changes in soft tissues in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Further research on the application of this method can contribute to its implementation in everyday practice in this field of medicine.
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Yu.A. Stepanova, D.A. Kiseleva, N.O. Sultanova, "Possibilities of sonoelastography in the evaluation of the lower third of face soft tissues changes determining the most effective method of correction: a pilot study using sonoelastography", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 90–93, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.17


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DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.18

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L. N. Komarova, A. A. Melnikova

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.19

The purpose of this work was to study the nature of the combined effect of ionizing radiation of accelerated 12C ions with the antitumor agent doxorubicin on malignant cells. In the course of the research, new results were obtained on the manifestation of the synergistic character of the interaction of the agents used on the cells of the MCF-7 tumor line, which is of important practical and theoretical significance for understanding the mechanism of the combined effect of ionizing radiation and the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin. The obtained data will help to optimize the combined effects in order to achieve maximum synergistic interaction.
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  10. С. В. Белкина, Л. Н. Комарова, Р. О. Крицкий, “Прогнозирование синергических эффектов ионизирующего излучения и других повреждающих факторов на клетки млекопитающих и растения),” Радиация и риск, т. 15, но. 3-4, стр. 120-132, 2006. (S. V. Belkina, L. N. Komarova, R. O. Kritsky, “Prediction of synergistic effects of ionizing radiation and other damaging factors on mammalian and plant cells),” Radiation and Risk, vol. 15, no. 3-4, pp. 120-132, 2006.)
  11. Л. Н. Комарова, А. А. Мельникова, Д. А. Балдов, “Исследование комбинированного действия ионизирующего излучения и доксорубицина на клетках аденокарциномы молочной железы человека MCF-7,”Научные междисциплинарные исследования. Материалы XIII Международной научно-практической конференции, “КДУ”, “Добросвет”, стр. 14-22, 2021. (L. N. Komarova, A. A. Melnikova, D. A. Baldov, “Study of the combined effect of ionizing radiation and doxorubicin on human breast adenocarcinoma cells MCF-7,” in Scientific interdisciplinary research. Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference , "KDU", "Dobrosvet", pp. 14-22, 2021.)
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  12. А. Melnikova, L. Komarova, “Research on the combined effects of radiation and chemotherapy on tumor cells,” in Book of Abstr. 9th Int. Conf. on Radiation in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2021), Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2021, р. 228.
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L. N. Komarova, A. A. Melnikova, "Investigation of the combined effect of ionizing radiation of different quality and doxorubicin on breast adenocarcinoma cells ", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 100–103, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.19
Radiation Detectors


Alexander Macris, Kevin McKay, William Charlton, Cheryl Brabec, Sheldon Landsberger

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.20

For radiological neutron surveying, neutron detectors require shielding to minimize contributions from sources outside the area of interest. To test the effectiveness of such a shield, Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Codes (MCNP) were used to model a neutron detector so that the effectiveness of such a shield design could be explored. In this research, MCNP models of a 10B/ZnS detector within a shield were developed and compared to experimental results. By carefully modeling the specifics of the neutron detector as well as the neutron source used in the experiments, the simulation was able to accurately predict the experimental results within 20%.
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Alexander Macris, Kevin McKay, William Charlton, Cheryl Brabec, Sheldon Landsberger, "Development of an mcnp model of a boron-10 zinc sulfide silver-activated [10B/ZnS(Ag)] detector and directional shielding using radiation counting", RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 104–109, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.20
Radiation Detectors


Conny Egozi, Francis Martinez, Brandon De Luna, James Terry, Sheldon Landsberger

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.21

Gamma-ray spectrometry is one of the most effective ways to determine the activity of 239Pu, depending on activity levels. However, often high backgrounds in complex spectra with low amounts of 239Pu can increase detection limits. The effectiveness of the use of gamma-gamma spectrometry in the characterization of 239Pu is studied for the first time. Using the XIA Pixie-16 digital pulse processor, gamma-gamma coincidences were measured to study the unshielded background radiation as a function of the source to detector distance, and gating of several gamma-rays from 239Pu. The Poisson distribution of the acquired pulses has been also verified. In addition, measurements demonstrated that the background radiation is strongly reduced, meaning gamma-gamma spectroscopy can be very effective to avoid the usual lead shielding. Other measurements were taken to assure Poisson statistics were attained in the digital system. Preliminary measurements revealed 3 orders of magnitude background reduction for the measurement of 239Pu using gated gamma-rays.
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Conny Egozi, Francis Martinez, Brandon De Luna, James Terry, Sheldon Landsberger, "A preliminary investigation for the use of digital gamma-gamma coincidence spectrometry to detect 239Pu",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 110–114, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.21
Radiation Chemistry


Irina G. Antropova, Natalia V. Panferova, Eldar P. Magomedbekob

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.22

In this work, the reactivity of low-molecular-weight chitosan with a hydroxyl radical was evaluated. An enhancement of the antioxidant properties of chitosan in the presence of silver ions has been shown. It has been determined that under the action of irradiation on the chitosan-silver system, silver nanoparticles are formed, the size of which can be controlled by the type of action on the system.
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Irina G. Antropova, Natalia V. Panferova, Eldar P. Magomedbekob , "Reduction of silver ions using chitosan and investigation of their reactivity",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 115–118, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.22
Medical Imaging


Yulia A. Stepanova, Nora E. Arutyunyan, Naida O. Sultanova, Aleksey A. Kopyltsov, Dmitry V. Kalinin

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.23

Introduction.Over the past 30 years, minimally invasive methods of aesthetic medicine have become increasingly well-known in the world. Dermal fillers are among the most popular aesthetic procedures because they carry immediate results, very few risks and little recovery time. Despite the regulations governing the provision of aesthetic non-surgical medical services, the number of patients affected by the augmentation of vaseline oil into soft tissues to correct the shape of organs and soft tissues has increased. Nowadays, soft-tissue augmentation with large amounts of any foreign material and these types of procedures has been abandoned by health professionals and plastic surgeons all over the world. The administration of small doses (from 1 ml to 5 ml) of injectable preparations, mainly absorbed within 2-12 months, is permitted and widely used to correct minor contour of the face, wrinkles and soft tissues. Objective: development of an algorithm for radiological examination of patients at the stages of surgical correction of the consequences of the augmentation with vaseline oil into soft tissues for aesthetic purposes. Materials and methods.In a retrospective study, the results of the examination and surgical treatment of 17 women were evaluated. The patients were treated at various times with the consequences of the augmentation with vaseline oil in mammary glands, buttocks and shins. There were 11 (64.7%) patients with vaseline oil introduced into one region, into two regions- 5 (29.4%), and one woman 1 (5.9%) into three regions. The migration of vaseline oil to adjacent anatomical areas was observed in 13 out of 17 (76.5%) patients. All patients underwent ultrasound, MSCT, and/or MRI at the stages of surgical treatment. Results. Multiple-stages (from 1 to 8) surgical treatment was performed and in addition to excision of tissues affected by fibrosis and oleogranulomas, also reconstructive surgeries to restore the volume and contours of the organs were performed. Overall, 51 surgical interventions were performed. MSCT and MRI studies can identify oleogranulomas and determine the volume of soft tissue damage. If it is possible to choose the method of radiological investigation, preference should be given to MRI. The MR Imaging is carried out without radiation exposure and the introduction of a contrast agent and allows you to determine the full volume of soft tissue damage, as well as the presence of fibrous tissue, in the mode without fat suppression. Ultrasound is the easiest to perform, however, an effective method for diagnosing complications after soft tissues augmentation. And it is effective when searching for individual fat fragments during surgery and evaluating the intervention area around the perimeter. In the postoperative period, the ultrasound revealed limited fluid accumulations ranging in size from 12 to 36x47 mm. In 11 cases, the clusters regressed independently during ultrasound monitoring, and in 6 cases, it was considered appropriate to evacuate the contents under ultrasound control. Good and satisfactory results were obtained in 6 patients (MRI data and visual effect), and interventions, mainly of a reconstructive nature, are expected in 11 patients. Conclusion. The difficulties and multi-stage surgical treatment in patients after soft tissue augmentation with vaseline oil are associated with a large volume of tissue damage with a violation of their trophic function, the migration of vaseline oil to adjacent anatomical areas, the inability to eliminate the lesion and simultaneous reconstruction. MRI makes it possible to determine the extent of the lesion at all stages of surgical treatment, ultrasound is an important pre / intraoperative navigation during surgical treatment, and also allows postoperative management of patients.
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Radiation Detectors


Abdulrahman Albarodi, M. Bilge Demirköz, Uğur Kılıç, Ahmet Baran Can, Deniz Orhun Boztemur, Egecan Karadöller, Aziz Ulvi Çalışkan, Güntekin Kabuli, Levent Balamir Tavacıoğlu

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.24

A compact radiation monitor which incorporates a Geiger-Müller counter and two silicon detectors was designed and tested for radiation measurements on Turkish space rockets. The large area silicon PIN detectors, each with 4 quadrants produced in Turkey by TÜBİTAK BİLGEM UEKAE YİTAL laboratories, vertically aligned inside a thin aluminum shielding, separated by 3 PCBs as degraders, to perform coincidence logic and energy discrimination. Each quadrant is amplified separately to reduce the noise on readout cards designed by METU The Research and Application Center for Space and Accelerator Technologies (İVMER) which generate logical signals per layer, which are then coincided in a 7.8ns time window by an FPGA. The prototype also incorporates a Geiger-Müller tube sensitive to electrons and gammas to compare the counts of particles outside the box measured during test period. The I-V and C-V characterization of the PIN diodes, as well as detailed calibration of the readout electronics were performed. The device was tested at the METU-DBL (METU Defocusing Beam Line) proton beam line with 15 and 30 MeV proton beams as well as radioactive alpha and beta sources and shown to be sensitive to different particle species. The dynamic range, which has been demonstrated up to 106 particles/second lays the foundation for a robust radiation measurement with more detector and degrader layers for a larger energy range on a satellite over the South Atlantic Anomaly as well as van Allen belts.
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Abdulrahman Albarodi, M. Bilge Demirköz, Uğur Kılıç, Ahmet Baran Can, Deniz Orhun Boztemur, Egecan Karadöller, Aziz Ulvi Çalışkan, Güntekin Kabuli, Levent Balamir Tavacıoğlu, "Design and characterization of a compact radiation monitor for space rockets",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 125–131, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.24


Šaćira Mandal

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.25

Leptin is a hormone secreted from adipose tissue (AT) that plays important role in metabolism of carbohydrate, proteins, and lipids. Also, leptin and its receptors are key regulators of body weight and energy metabolism. Previous studies, demonstrated that plasma leptin improved glucose and lipid metabolisms independently of the food intake reduction by decreasing in blood glucose and insulin levels as well as triacylglycerol stores in the body. Objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between plasma leptin concentration and lipid profile in healthy and diabetic individuals. Twenty-six participants were recruited in the study, 13 newly diagnosed and non-treated Type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients and 13 healthy controls. Metabolic variables including glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipids: total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein and very low-density lipoprotein, and hormone concentrations leptin and insulin were measured. Plasma leptin concentration was an increased significantly (p<0.001) in diabetic patients compared to controls. Values of other biochemical characteristics were significant different between cases and controls (p<0.001). A significant association was demonstrated between leptin with BMI levels in participants (p<0.05) but not between leptin and lipid levels (p>0.05). Also, strong negative associations were observed between leptin and glucose levels among controls (p<0.009) as well a positive association leptin with HOMA-IS in diabetics (p<0.05). These results suggest that plasma leptin concentrations were affected by the increased levels of glucose, insulin and lipid profile in Bosnian study population. Therefore, leptin can be used as a biomarker of glucose and lipid control in newly diagnosed diabetic patients.
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Medical Imaging


T.N. Kiseleva, Yu. A. Stepanova, N.V. Guseva, K.V. Lugovkina, V. V. Makukhina

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.26

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T.N. Kiseleva, Yu. A. Stepanova, N.V. Guseva, K.V. Lugovkina, V. V. Makukhina, "High-frequency ultrasound scanning in eyelids assessment",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 136–140, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.26
Medical Imaging


Yulia A. Stepanova, Vlada Yu. Raguzina, Tatiana P. Baitman, Olesya A. Chekhoeva, Irina V. Miroshkina, Aleksandr A. Gritskevich

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2021.27

An organ-sparing approach is preferable at the treatment of patients with cancer of a solitary kidney, but doesn’t always comply with the oncological radicalism. The technique of extracorporeal renal resection followed by autologous transplantation was developed to preserve renal function in patients with obligatory indications for organ-preserving treatment. The aim is to evaluate the possibilities of ultrasound (US) at the stages of extracorporeal resection of a single kidney in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma. Materials and methods. The study included 22 patients treated with renal cell carcinoma of a single kidney in 2013-21 (average age 60.45±7 years). Men prevailed (73%). Multiple primary metachronous cancer occurred in 16 (73%) cases, multiple primary synchronous cancer – in 2 (9%), previous nephrureterectomy was performed in connection with benign kidney diseases (primary contracted kidney, hydronephrosis) – in 2 (10%), a congenital single kidney was in 2 (10%) patients. Previously underwent surgery on a single kidney for a malignant neoplasm of the same etiology for which 6 (27%) patients are being treated in this hospitalization. All the patients underwent US examination in B-mode and duplex scanning at the pre-/intra- and postoperative stage. If necessary, echo-contrast US (Sonovue) was performed intraoperatively and in the early postoperative period. Also, all patients underwent preoperative contrast-enhanced multidetected computed tomography (MDCT). MRI was performed in 7 cases. All the patients were operated with histological verification. Results. Staging according to the TNM system: pT1a-T3vN0-2M0-1G1-3, of which the tumor size exceeded 7 cm in 10 (50%) patients, distant metastases were in 8 (40%) cases. Reno-caval tumor thrombus was detected in 3 patients. Intraoperative US was performed at the stages of surgery: navigation to the stage of resection and assessment of the restoration of blood supply in the intervention area after kidney resection and wound closure. In 3 cases, extracorporeal renal resection was performed simultaneously with thrombectomy and resection of the inferior vena cava for reno-caval tumor thrombus. In 4 cases, renal vessel replacement was performed. The tumor involved vessels in 3 cases and in 1 IOUS after resection showed thrombosis of the renal artery, which eventually required prosthetics. There were no intraoperative complications. All patients underwent US-monitoring on the 1st, 3rd and 5th days after surgery, more often and further as needed. The follow-up period (US, MSCT) was 19-85 months (53.3±17.2). Tumor progression occurred in 3 (15%) cases. One patient died due to the progression of the tumor process 20 months after the operation. Conclusion. US make it possible to control all the stages of extracorporeal resection of a single kidney under pharmaco-cold anti-ischemic protection with orthotopic replantation of renal vessels. The results of this surgical intervention are satisfactory, which indicates the advisability of further development of organ-saving treatment.
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Yulia A. Stepanova, Vlada Yu. Raguzina, Tatiana P. Baitman, Olesya A. Chekhoeva, Irina V. Miroshkina, Aleksandr A. Gritskevich, "Ultrasound diagnostics at the stages of extracorporeal resection of a single kidney in the treatment of renal cell carcinoma ",RAD Conf. Proc, vol. 5, 2021, pp. 141-147, http://doi.org/10.21175/RadProc.2021.27