Volume 2, 2017

Radiation Effects


Mariia Shilina, Zoya Kovaleva, Nikolay Nikolsky, Tatiana Grinchuk

Pages: 155-158

DOI: 10.21175/RadProc.2017.31

The aim of this study was the cytogenetic assay of endometrial mesenchymal stem cells (eMSC) in vitro after exposure to sublethal dose of X-rays and sublethal heat shock (HS). For the analysis of chromosomes we used the G-banding technique. We showed that both types of stress caused similar changes in eMSC karyotype structure. In both cases 80% of the cell population had karyotype abnormalities. The main types of rearrangements were aneuploidy and chromosomal breaks. Chromosomes 1 and 4 were involved in breaks more often than other chromosomes. The number of chromosomes involved in the restructuring as a result of HS was more than after X-rays. eMSC survived stress entered the replicative senescence in different time: at the 4th passage after X-rays and 20th passage after heat shock.
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